Thursday, September 16, 2010

Solar Roof Shingles

Solar architectural roof shingles are a very good idea , if you are concerned about our impact on planet Earth , because they are non polluting , and the only thing they use is the solar energy which is a cheap renewable energy source . Installing solar roof shingles is a very good way in which you can do your part on helping the environment , either you want your house to only depend on solar energy or if you want to supplement your electricity that you take from the main grid .  You can use them either for commercial or even residential buildings , a thing that you must keep in mind is the cost , and if you can recover your expenses in the case you decide to sell the property .

Both solar roof shingles and solar panels are called for short BIPV which means building integrated photovoltaic . Their  design is constructed in such a manner  that you can incorporate them in a building either from the get go , or when it`s finished , adding the fact that they are not that obtrusive , take for example wind turbines , basically what I mean is  if you decide to install them they will look as if they where always there .

If you decide to install solar roof shingles to you house or a commercial building you must keep in mind what is your goal , either you want to be “ off grid “ or “ on grid “ . “ Off Grid “ means that you are not connect to the main power grid , this is a method that is mostly used in the rural areas , because they do not use so much energy , and they don`t have any excess energy that they can sell back to the main power grid . “ On grid “ means that your solar roof shingles have their power grid connected to the main power grid , either you just want to supplement  you own energy consumption ( you do not want to pay a big electricity bill ) , or if you have a big installation of solar roof shingles you can even sell your excess electricity on the main power grid .

I will give you some hints that you must take into consideration if you decide to purchase  solar roof shingles .

-What is the cost of your electricity bill .

-If you live in a geographical position where you have enough access to the sun light , calculated at a % rate per year , for example , if you live closer to the equator this % will increase for example Florida or if you leave let`s say for example Toronto this % will decrease .

-Your surroundings of your property , buildings nearby and trees may be a disadvantage

-And the last aspect would be  , if maybe in the future you would decide to sell the property , will the buyer  appreciate the solar roof shingles installation .

A common mistake people do when they make the decision to install solar roof shingles , is not to hire professional help , you should always hire a qualified and licensed dealer to the job for you ,  and the more solar roof shingles you install the more power will they produce so you can sell the excess so you can recover the money of your little investment in green energy. If you would like to learn more about roof shingles, check


  1. Solar roof shingles are a great new way to harness to energy of the sun to generate electricity that can power your home. Almost everyone lives in a house where the rooftop shingles just sit there.

    Iko roofing

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