Monday, October 4, 2010

Negative aspects that sweating can have on our lives

Sweating is a natural phenomena and it takes place because our body wants to cool itself and to maintain a constant temperature. Sweating is healthy and people who do not sweat at all have a medical problem and should see a doctor. Check for more info. 

But, sweating can become a real problem for our lives when we are excessively sweating! We usually sweat when it is too hot or when we are having certain activities, when we are stressed. there are people who sweat without doing anything at all! These people have a real problem - some of them have a medical problem and some of them an hereditary problem. 

The main issue is that sweating can affect one’s life in a negative way: it can affect one's job, it can affect one’s relationships, one’s marriage ,one’s self-confidence and it can even reduce one’s enjoyment of life.

There are many people who have this problem: their hands are always sweating - they feel bad when they have to shake hands with someone, their face is always sweating - this makes them look bad and most of them are frustrated because of this, their underarm is always sweating - their shirts and T-shirts are always wet and this looks bad and someone could make a wrong impression. 

There are people who have this problem and who have tried all kind of treatments - antiperspirants, special diets, clothes which are made of cotton or wool. But none of these treatments had good results. The best they can do is to see a doctor. Sometimes, excessive sweating can be treated only by the doctor. There are several treatments for excessive sweating - which is also called hyperhidrosis,  which are usually recommended only by the doctor. These treatments include Botox, iontophoresis treatment, sweat gland suction or performing a surgery. these are the final solutions, which are performed only after trying all the others. 

Medical experts have always tried to find the sweating causes in order to help people find the right treatment. First of all we should try to control our diet and what we are eating - this could lead to excessive sweating, we should have the correct hygiene - have at least two showers a day, use good quality shower gels and soaps, use natural treatments like baking soda and clothes made of natural materials like wool or cotton. If all these cannot help you go and see a doctor! 

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