Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Medical Translation Tips

Medical translation services are one of the elite of the translation world. This is a field where the quality of a translation is simply not a luxury, as highly complicated technical terms are involved and terminology is key. For that respect preparation is key and this article is focused around the process of preparation before embarking on a medical translation. Proper preparation of your source text and also materials will later on result in a superior translated end product. Keeping in mind only a few basic, simple steps will make sure your translation projects will so begin in the right direction.


First of all, before anything else or other aspects, you must make sure that the source text you are using for reference clearly and accurately describes the intended message. A good medical translation must first be understood as the terms are complicated and the meaning must not be confused. Ambiguous or incorrect descriptions have no place in a medical translation and will limit the final quality of the translation. 


Correcting the source errors appeared after the translation has begun, can later on lead to delays in the translation process. Make sure you read your source text twice before translation begins, to be sure that no obvious errors are there. If a re-write of your base text is not an option, identification of the known problem areas can greatly assist you as the medical translator, to craft the best phrases for their required languages. 


If you plan on working in the future at some highly regarded medical translation companies, then you are going to have to remember all these tips, as they will save you time, frustration, and they ensure the over all quality and well being of your medical translations. Better to be safe then sorry, and when it comes to medical translations it is always better to be safe.


Another problem arising when speaking about medical translations stands in the inconsistent use of terminology. This problem generally appears within the source materials and is actually the leading cause of special inconsistency in a medical translation. Inconsistent terminology should be surely avoided, as its presence can lead to the mistake of medical translators adopting similar patterns of translation, which will result in a different meaning. Words can be very similar, however the meaning in not at all the same. 


When all these aspect are taken into careful consideration, all that is left is for you to take the helm, and control the rest of the translation. If you have built a strong foundation for the translation, it should come out as professional and as medical as possible. http://medicaltranslationservices.org/ provides more info about this topic. 



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