Thursday, November 18, 2010

High Voltage Spark Testers

A high voltage tester is a machine most commonly used to verify the overall structural integrity of any wiring, part of a total ensemble, known as the machine. If one wire is faulty, the main problem is probably the insulation around the wire. This is why a high voltage spark tester is the perfect device to test where the problem occurs. This is the article where we are going to talk about the main way in which a high voltage spark tester works and about the several types of testers available on the market.


As the general means in which the high voltage spark tester works, the wires are passed through a series of brass ball chains, are electrically charged. When the wires pass through this chain of current, they become electrically charged themselves, thus enabling the insulation to kick in. If during this journey any holes or weak points are detected within the structure of the wires, this problem will be signaled by the appearance of a spark. Later on, after detecting the problem, the wire can be sent back to manufacturer, or simply modified, as far as insulation goes, as to be properly used in the machine’s structure. 


High voltage spark testers are responsible of this great task, as faulty wiring may lead to short circuits that can burn entire electrical installations inside one’s house. For example, if you were to use one of the many high voltage converters on any device in the room, and a wire did not have proper insulation, then the whole circuit could blow out and damage the entire electrical system in your house or office.


The Power Frequency Spark Tester is the first type of tester used on the market and is actually one of the earlier models to be made. It has an accuracy percentage of 85 and will leave a burn mark on the wire, in the case there is a fault detected on its surface. Later on, after analyzing the wire, in the absence of burns, and the wire is good to go, the problem may lay in the insulation.


The High Frequency Spark Tester is another type of tester, available for purchase, one more accurate tester than its older brother. It offers an accuracy percentage of 95 to 98, while it is mainly used as to determine the maximum amount of fault existing on the surface of a wire. Sometimes, a traditional tester may miss certain faults, however this is not the case here, as accuracy is the main feature for this tester. provides more info about this topic. 


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